Thursday, October 30, 2008

URGENT : Learn from the mistakesss and improve my skills

Today is the 3rd day since I was employed as a trainee in Econtech.

As time goes by, i am no longer a new bee, I have to brush up all my require skills, I cannot depends on others to help me, those hand-skill job is not my field, but no other way round at this moment, cos i am a man, and man is born to learn new things!

Today, I got my first OT. I have learnt some new lessons:

1. Must build up a good relationship with other colleague, especially those foreign workers. They can help me in troubles.

2. Plan carefully and thoroughly before action.

3. Train to spin my brain faster, and do not hesitate to ask question.

Before the end of this post, I make some wishes here:

1. I can accomplish the SYSTEM FAN TESTER BOX at 10am tomorrow.
2. The circuit is functioning well.
3. The customer/s is satisfied with the product. (It is almost impossible :()

Wishing the best of luck to myself, and all my friends who are taking ITP also.

p/s: If the God can't afford to deliver good luck to so many ppl simultaneously, I hope I have the highest priority to get it. :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008



他是阿根廷足坛的传奇人物。 有人说他是地球上足球踢得最好的人类, 也有人嘲笑他是“上帝之手” 在他的球员生涯中, 他几乎拿了所有该拿的奖杯了。 今天, 他将会以教练的身份, 继续追求他所渴望的荣誉。

尽管他的球员生涯是多么灿烂辉煌, 可是挂靴后的他却选择自甘堕落, 他染上了毒瘾, 而且还因为生活不检点而体重爆增。



Tuesday, October 28, 2008


今天第一天ITP上班, 好累啊!~! 回到家, 冲了凉, 好想睡觉。。。:P

第一天上班, 觉得我的同事都蛮不错的, 大部分都很亲切和友善, 也很肯帮人, 特别是我的上司Henry, 今天他带我参观了整个production line, 也很耐心的为我解释几乎每一个小细节。我记得他告诉我: 其实你们trainee, 要把握学习的机会, 不懂的就尽量问, 这是你们trainee的免死金牌。。。

虽然只是一间小厂, 员工也不见得很多,但是如果肯用心去做,我相信一定可以学到很多东西的。 希望我这3个月的ITP会过的很充实,开心和难忘。

Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Deepavali

今天是我们的印裔同胞欢庆屠妖节的日子, 祝福他们屠妖节快乐。

昨晚, 看到利物浦在客场0-1打败切尔西, 哈哈。。。真的高兴啊!
"We have belief, we have quality and we have shown by coming from behind in other games this season, that we have character. At least this is enough to be top of the table for now.

"We can go to any stadium and win games. Today, against a very good team, a very offensive team, we showed we were thinking about winning.

---Rafa Benitez, Liverpool manager.

Well done, xabi, and the rest of the team. YNWA !

五月天出新专辑了:后青春期的诗。 不错的, 满感动。 我已经下来听了, 呵呵。。。 :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

March on the Reds, you will never walk alone

Now, 26/10 4:21pm, the moment I compose this blog, to cheer for my beloved soccer team---Liverpool FC.

In Malaysia time 9:30pm, they are going to play Chelsea @ Stamford Bridge, a side who is already 86 home games without a defeat at home.

Being an underdog, it doesn't mean the Reds will lose the game. Anyhow, I wish for all the best to Liverpool. GoooOOOLL LiverpooOOOLLL .

Saturday, October 25, 2008


最近放假在家, 无论扭开电视, 或翻开报纸, 都看到金融海啸的新闻. 我不太明白为什么爸爸一直守在电视机旁关注这些新闻. 难道他手上有很多美国或欧洲的股票? 我不知道...

外面的风有多强, 浪又多大, 我不太了解. 我只知道, 在马来西亚, 一切似乎都显得风平浪静.


但是, 我觉得, 把这次的金融危机形容为金融火灾更为贴切, 就好象...

上图那样的熊熊大火, 把美国华尔街, 欧洲, 香港, 韩国, 台湾等地的股市里面的金钱, 一夜之间就烧个精光.

想象一下, 花绿绿的钞票,

转眼之间, 却变成灰烬!

现在国际间人心惶惶. 听说冰岛的总统还惊吓得心脏病发入院了...

各国政府采取相应的救市的措施, 估计会有越来越多国家, 会向IMF 发出SOS信号 ...

但是, 我反而认为, 国际上真正需要被援助的, 是非洲一些极度贫穷的国家.

幸好, 马来西亚现在的处境, 就好像隔壁街发生火灾, 自己的家还很安全. 但是, 会不会有一天火势蔓延到自己的家, 就不知道了.

我只是一个小市民, 大学生而已. 我得到的启示就是: 谨慎理财, 未雨稠缪.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A nice trip to JB & S'pore

19/10/08 (Sunday)

  • Arrive JB Larkin bus station
  • Lunch @ Tokuri restaurant (aunty Candy)
  • Tebrau City's Jaya Jusco
  • Dangga Bay
  • Supper @ 粿条仔,宽柔中学附近

AuntyCandy's secret recipe : Yogurt cake, it is very tasty :)

20/10/08 (Monday)

  • Breakfast @ JB with Pei Xian's father
  • To City Square, JB
  • JB custom
  • To S'pore
  • Woodland (unload luggage)
  • Ang Mo Kio (lunch)
  • Orchard
  • Bugis
  • Dinner @ City Hall @ New York burger
  • Marina Bay
  • Kallang & Geylang

JB custom

JB railway station

Bugis open market (跟台湾的夜市风格相似)

The well known Orchard road

ERP (similar to Toll in M'sia)

S'pore night view (it is very beautiful)


Anderson Bridge

21/10/08 (Tuesday)

  • Ang Mo Kio
  • Lunch @ Lau Pa Sat (老巴刹) , 那里的菜头糕很好吃
  • Queestown
  • Harbor Front
  • Dinner @ Vivo City
  • Sentosa Island (2 casinos are under construction in the area.A strongly recommended tourist site in s'pore)
  • Supper @ Woodland hawker center (The food there is sux!!)
22/10/08 (Wednesday)

  • From Woodland to east coast/Katong
  • Breakfast @ Katong (We don't have the chance to try the famous katong laksa, what a miss!)
  • East coast beach
  • Changi Airport
  • Lunch @ JB (Hua Mui chicken chop)
  • JB City Square (Buy sourvenir)
  • Back Klang

East coast beach view

At Changi Airport

At Changi Airport

S'pore MRT map, it is a very convinient transportation system that covers almost all the major site in s'pore. The trasportation system is fast and conveniet, and the fare is relatively cheap

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


现在我正式宣布, 我的新部落格-- "快乐天堂", 诞生咯 !!

不过, 以前的那个msn space并不会被遗弃, 只是现在我要努力成为一个blogger, 所以就用一个功能更广的部落格网站. 因此, 以后我会着重在发展这个 此外,我将要增加一些以前没尝试过的元素, 例如图片, 音乐, 短片等等.

"快乐天堂"是这个部落格的主题, 更是我人生的一个理想境界. 我希望我会享受blogging, 也希望来看的人会喜欢这里 .