Tuesday, December 16, 2008


来来来, 有好料看!!! 

美国总统布什(还没轮到奥巴马=))和伊拉克总理(你可以说他是美国的傀儡)在记者招待会之前亲切的握手, 互相寒暄。 

当记者会进行途中, 突然有一位记者站起来, 他想干什么?


只见那位记者仁兄拿起鞋子, 用尽吃奶之力, 把鞋子往布什的方向丢去!!! 哎哟哟, 够力咯~~~

眼看布什就要中招了, 就在这千钧一发的时刻。。。。。。。。。。。。

布什: 我闪!!!

哎呀, 功亏一篑啊!! 唉。。。。。。

大内禁军卫队赶忙护驾, 并把刺客擒拿归案!

好了, 故事讲完了。。。。。。

[迟些就会更新在上个周末的活动照片, 敬请期待] 


DiaAnE said...

you noe.. one thing very funny, the representative or Iraq has no reaction. You see his face~~ anyway, the guy who threw shoe at Bush is brought to court today. I wonder what will happen~~

kaizen boy said...

good la, throw shoe..
then i support and laugh..

but if throw bom like wat they always do, i discriminate it